Understanding the new government guidance on RSE, coming into effect in September 2020, which will make 'Relationship Education' mandatory for all primary school children.
John Henry Newman Cultural Centre is delight to invite you to a talk with Paul Diamond: on the 30th of May at 4 pm

Paul Diamond is the leading barrister on the law of religious liberty; including matters of both ethical and social conscience. He has fought some of the most important and controversial cases in both the United Kingdom and Europe; from the House of Lords to the Courts of Strasbourg and Luxembourg.
He combines his considerable strength in the field of religious liberty with his knowledge of public and European law. Paul is a specialist in European Human Rights law, EU law and certain aspects of public law.
Paul’s analytical expertise of socio-legal developments in the United Kingdom and internationally, combined with his sense of humour and blunt eloquence make him an exceptionally dynamic speaker. His counsel and strategic insight is sought out by policy makers and religious leaders.
May 30, 2020 04:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9754030828?pwd=TDE2amMvOENyZzZndDhocy9BU25NZz09
Meeting ID: 975 403 0828
Password: London2020